About Us
The French School

our story

We opened our doors on the 1st of September 2014. This institution was created as a private initiative, with the aim of expanding the educational and extracurricular standards of Luang Prabang, in accordance with the official standards of the French Ministry of Education. 

In 2019, EFLP was approved by the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE). This recognition certifies that we provide education in accordance with the school programmes, the rules of organisation and the educational objectives applicable in France and disseminated by AEFE. Similarly, to set up the facilities integrating elements of the Lao and Cambridge programmes, we follow the rules of construction of the international sections. The teachers are experienced, qualified, and native to the language in which they teach.


We Provide a Natural Environment for Our Students to Grow & Excel

We take a whole child approach to learning!

Our students don’t just learn in the classroom. Math, science, and language learning happens in the real world with extracurricular activities such as, gardening, “math walks”, and international cuisine cooking classes.

Creative juices flow with EFLP’s music and arts programme.

Sports and physical education is a very important part of development for each and every student. EFLP has a dedicated physical education teacher to keep the kids active and ready to learn.




School Administration

Antoine Cutanda

Antoine Cutanda


Khamchan PIMALAI

Khamchan PIMALAI

Deputy Director



Administration and Finance

Association of Parents of Students

Our activities are governed by a non-profit association, the Association of Parents of Students (APE – EFLP), officially registered in France. Any parent of a student becomes a member of the Association and can decide to get involved in the development and management of the school. Every quarter, a general meeting brings together all the members. Important decisions and the appointment of the management committee (executive board) are put to the vote.

The management committee is composed of:

  • Executive Board
  • Ex-officio members: the Counselor for Cooperation and Cultural Action, the Head of the Consular Section, the Head of School, the Administrative and Financial Director, the Director of the Primary School, and a representative of the school’s permanent staff or his/her alternate.


The 2023-2024 Management Committee Members >



President APEEFLP

Mr Henri-Pierre LEVEILLARD

Mr Henri-Pierre LEVEILLARD

Treasurer APEEFLP

Mme Caroline de Rham

Mme Caroline de Rham

Secrétaire APEEFLP

Ecole Francophone
de Luang Prabang

Ban Khoy
Luang Prabang
Lao PDR, 060000

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